Michelle Mackie
(10 products)
Dolly, also known as Michelle Mackie, is a self-taught photographer, digital artist and visual storyteller. Through these creative means, she delves into her own psyche, capturing forgotten moments of happiness and cherished memories while overcoming past hardships and emotional wounds.
My mind is always drifting off into daydreams, where I can bring to life the bustling thoughts inside my head for everyone to witness.
Initially a hobby and a means of relaxation, Michelle Mackie's creative pursuits quickly developed into something greater. When she was approached in 2014 to display her artwork at a nearby gallery, it motivated her to further hone her talents and interests, ultimately resulting in the discovery of her distinct artistic flair.
Through the fusion of nightmares and fairy-tale elements, Michelle Mackie shares her inner being - encompassing memories, fears, and dreams - through a medium of art that elicits intense emotions and forges unexpected connections with others.
Prior to reaching for her camera, each project undergoes a meticulous pre-conceptualization process. Only once the piece is thoroughly planned does she begin her work.
After carefully selecting a location and model, additional props are chosen to add symbolic elements to the work. Wardrobe is then selected and specific angles for the shots are listed in Michelle Mackie's numerous notepads. With all necessary materials in hand, it's time for her creative process to begin digitally. Utilizing layers and layer masks, she stitches together photos before adding textures and manipulating the colour palette to achieve surreal tones.
Michelle Mackie utilizes her imaginative talents to uncover the hidden beauty within obscure settings. The Morpheus collection is cantered around the eponymous Greek god of dreams, who dwelled in a realm of slumber. As the shaper and sculptor of dreams, he could take on human forms and materialize in the visions of deities and humans alike, making him a divine messenger who delivered peculiar and marvellous messages through dreams.